
Anymalign is a multilingual sub-sentential aligner. It can extract lexical equivalences from sentence-aligned parallel corpora. Its main advantage over other similar tools is that it can align any number of languages simultaneously.


As an example of actual output, here are the first "few" alignments one can obtain from the JRC-ACQUIS Multilingual Parallel Corpus corpus (22 languages) in a few seconds:

Here, discontinuous sequences and long n-grams were filtered out.

Examples with the Bible parallel corpus are also available.


Linux/Unix Mac OS X Windows

This tool was developed on a GNU/Linux box. It is known to work fine also on Mac OS X and Windows, although it was not as heavily tested on the latter.

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Please acknowledge its use by a citation:

Adrien Lardilleux and Yves Lepage. Sampling-based multilingual alignment. International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2009), Borovets, Bulgaria, September 2009.

The directory in the zip archive contains three files:

  1. a single Python script to take care of everything;
  2. README.txt: link to this web page + change log;
  3. license.txt: the license.

This software is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.    GPL

All forms of contribution are highly appreciated. Please send suggestions, questions, remarks, bugs, insults, beers, to the author.

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Getting started

The file has no dependency, so you can just extract it from the above archive and start using it.

Under Windows

Make sure the Python executable is in your %PATH% environment variable (instructions for this can be found on this page, up to section "Finding the Python executable"). You should then be able to execute the script with the command:

$ python -h

assuming the script is in the current directory (this command just displays help; "$" is the prompt).

Under Unix

The Python executable should be in your $PATH environment variable already, so the same as above should work just fine:

$ python -h

assuming the script is in the current directory (this command just displays help; "$" is the prompt). If you don't want to bother with the python call, you can copy the script to some convenient location in your $PATH, like $HOME/bin/, and make the script executable:

$ chmod +x

You should then be able to call the script just by typing its name:

$ -h

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Input file format can read input data in separate files, where each file may contain one or more languages. Typically, multilingual texts are available in separate files, one file per language, one sentence per line, the corresponding lines being translations (all files have the same number of lines). For instance, you may have a tiny trilingual corpus in English, French, and German, where each file is made of 2 lines:

$ head en.txt fr.txt de.txt
==> en.txt <==
I need a beer .
This beer is good .

==> fr.txt <==
Il me faut une bière .
C'est une bonne bière .

==> de.txt <==
Ich muss ein Bier trinken .
Dieses Bier ist gut .

You can also provide multilingual input files. In this case, each line is a tab-separated list of aligned sentence, as one would obtain with the paste Unix command:

$ paste en.txt fr.txt de.txt > en_fr_de.txt
$ cat en_fr_de.txt
I need a beer . <tab> Il me faut une bière . <tab> Ich muss ein Bier trinken .
This beer is good . <tab> C'est une bonne bière . <tab> Dieses Bier ist gut .

You can basically do whatever you want when specifying input files. The following invocations of are all equivalent:

$ python en.txt fr.txt de.txt
$ python en_fr_de.txt
$ cat en_fr_de.txt | python
$ cat fr.txt | python en.txt - de.txt
$ cat en.txt | python - fr_de.txt

The first command should suffice for most purposes though. All positional arguments given after the call to are assumed to be (possibly multilingual) input files. They must all have the same number of lines. If no file is given, standard input is read. Standard input can be explicitly specified with a dash (-). refers to languages according to their column index, starting from 1. In the previous examples, English is language 1, French is language 2, and German is language 3.

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Output file format writes all output to standard output. Output files have basically the same format as the all-languages-in-one input file: each line corresponds to a sub-sentential alignment, and tabulations delimit languages. Thus, language n in the input file corresponds to language n in the output file.

Three additional fields are appended (as if they were pasted along), so if you have 3 input languages, the resulting output file will be made of 6 fields (5 tabulations/line).

Alignments are automatically sorted according to the last column. Here is a small sample English-French-German output file (numbers in actual files contain 6 decimals):
(NOTE: this sample output was not obtained from the above input files example, but from larger ones. 2-sentences long input files are not sufficient to produce decent results; the purpose of the above ones is just to illustrate the input format. Please use larger input files.)

?    <tab> ?     <tab> ?    <tab> 0.99 0.99 0.98 <tab> 0.98 0.99 0.99 <tab> 1759
beer <tab> bière <tab> Bier <tab> 0.98 0.91 0.86 <tab> 0.95 0.74 0.69 <tab> 132
the  <tab> la    <tab> der  <tab> 0.23 0.41 0.25 <tab> 0.31 0.42 0.23 <tab> 18
the  <tab> le    <tab> das  <tab> 0.35 0.36 0.29 <tab> 0.31 0.23 0.25 <tab> 14

The meaning of the three additional fields is as follows:

  1. if requested (see -w option), the first additional field contains a space-separated list of lexical weights. There are as many weights as there are languages. The nth weight reflects the probability that all words in the nth part of the alignment (in language n) have a good translation within the rest of the alignment, at the word level.
    If the -w option was not specified, this field only contains a single dash (-);
  2. the second additional field contains a space-separated list of translation probabilities. There are as many probabilities as there are languages. The nth probability is the probability that the nth part of the alignment (in language n) translates to the rest of the alignment. For bilingual input data, this is just the pair p(target|source) p(source|target) where source is language 1 and target is language 2. For three languages, E, F, and G, it is the triplet p(F,G|E) p(E,G|F) p(E,F|G), and so on;
  3. the third additional field contains a single integer (an absolute frequency).

This plain text output format can be reused by It can be merged with another output file or translated to another output format. Other available output formats are HTML, TMX, and Moses' phrase table (in the latter case, the output file still needs to be sorted).

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Basically, all you have to do is to type one of the commands indicated in the input file format section, the simplest being:

$ python en.txt fr.txt de.txt > output.txt

for a 3 languages input parallel corpus, the output being redirected to the file output.txt. Once this command is entered, the corpus is loaded. Now just wait for the following message to be displayed:

$ python en.txt fr.txt de.txt > output.txt
Aligning... (ctrl-c to interrupt)

At this stage, the program will run indefinitely until you hit Ctrl-C on the keyboard. The longer the program runs, the more results output.txt will contain. After you hit Ctrl-C, you will get an additional message:

$ python en.txt fr.txt de.txt > output.txt
Aligning... (ctrl-c to interrupt)
[...] Alignment interrupted! Proceeding...

Just wait a little more, and you will get the prompt back.
That's it.

How long do I have to wait?

I don't know. The longer, the more results. However, the longer, the less new results. Hence, it is useless to keep the program running beyond a certain amount of time, which depends on your input corpus. Starting from version 2.5, Anymalign is verbose by default:

$ python en.txt fr.txt de.txt > output.txt
Input corpus: 3 languages, 351548 lines
Aligning... (ctrl-c to interrupt)
30516 alignments, 1795 al/s

The last line displayed is updated every second. It shows the total number of alignments obtained so far (1 alignment will become 1 line in the output file), as well as the number of new alignments obtained during the last elapsed second. You will also be granted progress information after hitting Ctrl-C.

If you want the program to stop automatically when the number of new alignments per seconds is below a certain threshold, see the -a option. If you want it to stop after a fixed amount of time, see the -t option.

Caveat: using Ctrl-C

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The following is a little more detailed explanation of what the program displays when invoked with the traditional

$ python -h


python [INPUT_FILE[.gz|.bz2] [...]] >ALIGNMENT_FILE
python -m [ALIGNMENT_FILES[.gz|.bz2] [...]] >ALIGNMENT_FILE

INPUT_FILE is a tab-separated list of aligned sentences (1/line):

<sentenceNlanguage1> [<TAB> <sentenceNlanguage2> [...]]

All INPUT_FILE's must have the same number of lines. They can be compressed with gzip or bzip2, as long as the filenames bear the appropriate extension. If no INPUT_FILE is specified, standard input is read. Standard input can be explicitely specified with a dash (-) (only one is allowed).

A generated ALIGNMENT_FILE has the same format as INPUT_FILE (same fields), plus three extra fields at the end of each line:

  1. a space-separated list of lexical weights (1/language);
  2. a space-separated list of translation probabilities (1/language);
  3. an absolute frequency:
<phraseNlanguage1> [...] <TAB> <lexWeights> <TAB> <probas> <TAB> <frequency>

When invoked with the -m switch, no alignment is performed. Instead, all positional arguments specified on the command line are expected to be alignment files, as described in the output file format section. The result is a new alignment file containing the union of all alignments. Absolute frequencies are just summed up, and translation probabilities are updated accordingly. Lexical weights are left unchanged. Input does not need to be sorted: ALIGNMENT_FILES is just the concatenation of several ALIGNMENT_FILE's. If no file is given, standard input is read. Standard input can be explicitely specified with a dash (-) (only one is allowed).

General options

Show program's version number and exit.
-h, --help
Show help message and exit.
-m, --merge
Do not align. Input files are pre-generated alignment files (plain text format) to be merged into a single alignment file. This option is cool because it also makes it possible to switch between the various output file formats (see -o option). For instance, if you want to produce an HTML output (named, say, align.html) from a plain text alignment file (say, align.txt) :
$ python -m -o html align.txt > align.html
or for short :
$ python -moh align.txt > align.html
In addition, translation probabilities are updated, which means you can filter out some part of an alignment file and still keep up-to-date probabilities. For example :
grep "^the cat" align.txt | python -m > alignTheCat.txt
This filters your alignment file so that only lines starting with "the cat" be kept, and recompute probabilities. This is a stupid example, you will certainly have better uses.
Of course, you can process several alignments files simultaneously. In any case, input files for the -m option have to be in plain text format, so it is generally better to systematically produce alignments in plain text (default), then to produce a new formatted alignment file with the -m switch.
-T DIR, --temp-dir=DIR
(compatible with -m) Where to write temporary files. Default is OS dependant.
-v, --verbose
(compatible with -m) Show progress information on standard error.

Options to alter alignment behaviour

-a NB_AL, --new-alignments=NB_AL
Stop alignment when number of new alignments per second is lower than NB_AL. Specify -1 to run indefinitely. [default: -1]
-i INDEX_N, --index_ngrams=INDEX_N
Consider n-grams up to n=INDEX_N as tokens. Increasing this value increases the number of long n-grams output, but slows the program down and requires more memory. [default: 1]
-S NB_SENT, --max-sentences=NB_SENT
Maximum number of sentences (i.e. input lines) to be loaded in memory at once. Specify 0 for all-in-memory. This is useful if you have large amount of input data to be processed. [default: 0]
-t NB_SEC, --timeout=NB_SEC
Stop alignment after NB_SEC seconds elapsed. Specify -1 to run indefinitely. [default: -1]
-w, --weight
Compute lexical weights (requires additional computation time and memory). They will replace the dash in the third field of output file. Lexical weights cannot be computed when the -m switch is given.

Filtering options

-D FIELDS, --discontiguous-fields=FIELDS
Allow discontiguous sequences (like "give up" in "give it up") in languages at positions specified by FIELDS. FIELDS is a comma-separated list of integers (1-based), runs of fields can be specified by a dash (e.g. "1,3-5").
-l NB_LANG, --min-languages=NB_LANG
Keep only those alignments that contain words in at least MIN_LANGUAGES languages (i.e. columns). Default is to cover all languages.
-n MIN_N, --min-ngram=MIN_N
Filter out any alignment that contains an N-gram with N < MIN_N. [default: 1]
-N MAX_N, --max-ngram=MAX_N
Filter out any alignment that contains an N-gram with N > MAX_N (0 for no limit). [default: 0]

Output formatting options

-d DELIM, --delimiter=DELIM
Delimiter for discontiguous sequences. This can be any string. No delimiter is shown by default. Implies -D- (allow discontinuities in all languages) if -D option is not specified.
-e ENCODING, --input-encoding=ENCODING
(compatible with -m) Input encoding. This is useful only for HTML and TMX output formats (see -o option). [default: utf-8]
-L LANG, --languages=LANG
(compatible with -m) Input languages. LANG is a comma separated list of language identifiers (e.g. "en,fr,ar"). This is useful only for HTML (table headers) and TMX (<xml:lang>) output formats (see -o option).
-o FORMAT, --output-format=FORMAT
(compatible with -m) Output format. Possible values are "plain", "moses", "html", and "tmx". You can also specify the first letter of the format, e.g. "python -o h input.txt" for HTML output. [default: plain]

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Anymalign is quite big, but I want to keep it in a single file to make it simpler to use. As a result, people who want to peek at the source code may find it a bit difficult to read. Yet the first versions (back to malign), which consisted only of the main algorithm, were roughly 100 lines of Python code. The additional 1500+ lines in Anymalign is mainly computing stuff.

I therefore propose minimalign, a complete sub-sentential aligner in 100 lines of Python code. It just implements the main alignment algorithm: no option, can only process 2 languages for simplicity, all-in-memory (do not use it with huge corpora), cannot be stopped at any time like Anymalign. But it is much easier to read.



$ python source.txt target.txt > alignmentFile.txt

The input corpus has the same format as the one used by Anymalign (see input file format section), but it must be given in two separate files (source.txt and target.txt in the example above).

Don't try to use it for real applications since the results may be very limited. It is only provided for didactic purposes.

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